Belinda Person (Belab) nace en Bogotá, Colombia,Sudamérica. Hija del compositor y músico Afrocolombiano Hansel Camacho.


Obtuvo en 2015 su Bachillerato en Bellas Artes en la universidad Benedict College en Columbia, Carolina del Sur.

In her works Belinda captures and expresses emotions that come from her ancestral and current cultural environment. The message in the emotions that Belinda wants to show to the public require a vast color palette and a palette knife  technique. This approach on a large size canvas, gives Belinda  the ability to relate with the viewer a much more intimate way.


Her work has been exhibited in collective exhibitions like” Beautiful Woman” or “Pinceles, Trazos, Rimaz y Versos”  as well as mentions in specialized magazines like “Divine Voice Magazine” and “MobsNet”.


Actualmente Belinda Person está trabajando en comisiones y está creando una colección para exposiciones futuras.
